About Us

Frontline Ministries International is a prophetic and apostolic ministry raised up for the maturing of the saints, equipping of leaders, gathering an army of reformers and mobilising & motivating believers to take their place of kingdom occupation. The ministry does this by releasing the heart of the Father through worship, intercession, teaching and preaching of God’s word.

We are a family of ministries that engage in various activities which includes:

  • Outreaches
  • Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Training
  • Intercessory prayer gatherings
  • Mentoring
  • Church Plant(Frontline Revival Church)
  • Material Aid to the less priviledged



About Apostle Yinka John

Yinka John is the Founder of Frontline Ministries International.

She was saved in 1985, called into the ministry in 1992 and ordained into full time ministry in 1998. She holds & has participated in seminars, conferences and miracle crusades in England, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Republic of Ireland, the USA, the Philippines and Nigeria.

Her passion is to see leaders as well as believers develop an intimate relationship with the Lord, walk in integrity and holiness, taking the fire of God’s Glory to a needy world.She ministers under a prophetic anointing with signs and wonders accompanying the word.

She and her husband oversee  Frontline Revival Church (FRC) a cutting edge multi-cultural church based in North London England where they live with their three children.

Our Mission

Isaiah 49

1. To equip the Body of Christ by:

  • Calling believers to a deeper relationship with Christ- to the place of worship & intimacy, passion & pure devotion to Christ.
  • Preparing the bride of Christ for His return. Proclaiming the call to “purify, beautify and occupy” till he comes.
  • Motivating & mobilising believers to fulfil the great commission. Helping the saints to discover the call of God on their lives and enabling them to fulfil it.
  • Equipping and encouraging Christian Leaders in the fulfilment of their call.

2. Outreaches

Taking the gospel of Christ to the Nations of the world, accompanied with miracles, signs & wonders, bringing healing & restoration to the total man.

Mode of Operation

1. Hold regular miracle, healing & evangelistic crusades and dinner outreaches, both locally and internationally.

2. Organise conferences, seminars and training workshops for equipping and edifying the body of Christ,as well as spiritual aid, giving physical and material aid to the less priviledged i.e. Widows, orphans and the poor.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe that there is only one true God. Deut. 6:4
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Living God.
  • We believe that the bible is infallible and is the inspired word of God. 2 Tim3:15 & 16; 2 pet 1:21
  • We believe in the fall of Man
  • We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life and miraculous ministry of our lord Jesus Christ. Matt 1:23; Isaiah 7:14; Heb 7:26; 2 cor. 5:21; Acts 10:38
  • We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And that through His atoning blood sacrifice on the cross we receive justification and redemption Eph 2:8 & 9; Eph1:7.
  • We believe in the substitution death, burial and bodilyresurrection & glorious ascension of the Lord Jesus Acts 1:9; Eph 4:8-10
  • We believe in the intercessory work of Jesus Christ and His second advent to the earth as the hope for all believers. Heb 7:25; Acts 1:10 &11.
  • We believe in baptism by immersion in water as an outward identification with the burial and resurrection of Christ and for those who have received Jesus Christ as Lord. Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:38-39; Rom 6:4.
  • We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Mark 16:15; Acts 2:4
  • We believe that deliverance from sickness, disease & demonic influence is part of the atoning work of Christ. 1 Pet 2:24 ; Matt 8:16 -17
  • We believe that the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit and the ministry gifts are given for the edifying of the body of Christ. 1Cor 12; Eph 4:9-13
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men , the everlasting conscious bliss of those who truly accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and the eternal conscious punishment of those

Our Values

  • Pending quality time in the presence of God through praise, worship & study of God’s word. Jesus Christ should be the central focus of our lives. Our passion is to know Jesus intimately and desire him more than anything else in this life.
  • Loving people unconditionally and genuinely. We seek to show love to everyone irrespective of their colour, status or persuasion.
  • Intercession and prayer Warfare.  One of our primary assignments as a church is to be watchman intercessors for the Nation & communities. For the fire of the Holy Spirit to continually burn in our lives as a corporate body, prayer needs to be at the heart of all we do.
  • Teaching the Uncompromising word of God.  We endeavour to teach the whole counsel of God that every believer may be well grounded in the word of righteousness.
  • Evangelism– As a church, we seek to fulfil the great commission. We encourage every member of the church to be a soul winner.
  • Discipleship and Mentoring– in order for converts to become followers of Christ’s teachings, ways and lifestyle, we have developed a discipleship/ mentoring school that will help believe this.
  • Helping people to discover & develop the God given gifts, abilities and call on their lives with the purpose of releasing them to fulfil it.
  • Influencing our Community with the Love of Christ by practically serving their need.

 Revival Prayer Push UK (RPPUK)

In 2015 Rev Yinka started God’s Prayer Army (GPA) in order to cover the UK and nations with prayer on a daily basis. The main focus is to seek revival in the land. Rev Yinka realises that this could only come to pass when the church is revived hence there are two times of prayer every day. Every 5am a selection of the GPA call into a telephone conference to pray for Revival in the church, many times mentioning specific areas. Every 12 midnight a selection of GPA pray for national, local and international issues.Pastor Niyi Ajayi allocates brethren to the different times of prayer.




07450 137179

Sunday services

2pm to 4.30pm

Thursday Prayer + Bible Study 7pm on Zoom. Please whatsApp message/text 07450 137 179  for zoom details.

Venue: Unit 1 Caversham Enterprise Park 36 White Hart Lane. Tottenham N17 8DP